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Baywood Elementary PTA

Baywood PTA loves our school and community! We are committed to providing enrichment opportunities, hands on programing, community building, and academic support to all students at Baywood. From assemblies to field trips, STEAM clubs to art classes, Carnival to family movie nights, Baywood PTA is essential in creating opportunities that are memorable and fun providing students with well rounded experiences throughout their elementary years. 


In order to create these awesome experiences we need to fundraise!! All the

extra-curricular/enrichment activities students participate in are funded through the PTA and through YOUR support! Please visit our volunteer page and donate page to learn how you can be an important part of your child’s education. 

Upcoming Events

Things to Know

  • Fun Run November 1st 2019 - Click to see Flyer

We need Volunteers - If you are interested Please contact 

Click here to Donate

  • 5th Grade Parent Leadership - 

    Volunteers needed 

What's Happening Now

© 2019 by Baywood Elementary 
Sponsored by TSG Landscape

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